National Volunteer’s Week

This week is National Volunteers’ Week which celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. It’s a chance to recognise and thank the UK’s incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole.

This comes as Third Sector report that six in 10 organisations face difficulties in volunteer recruitment and almost half have not seen an increase in numbers over the past 12 months.

At Nine Feet Tall all of our team are entitled to take two working days to volunteer in any activity which is meaningful to them. Over the years we have worked with NSPCC, Jessie May, Middle Ground Growers, ITSA Digital Trust, Ashton Court Estate and Genesis Trust.

Our vision is for volunteering to act as a platform to live our values, create an opportunity for strengthening relationships and teambuilding, and provide an honest and positive impact on our local communities.

There are clear rewards for individuals who use their time to volunteer and last year Mayo Clinic published an article detailing these wellbeing benefits:

  1. Improving physical and mental health
  2. Providing a sense of purpose and teaching valuable skills
  3. Nurturing new and existing relationships

Nine Feet Tall CEO and Founder Esther McMorris said “National Volunteers’ Week shines an important focus on the impact of volunteering. We are proud to encourage our team to spend their two days making a difference to any initiative they choose. Volunteering can be formal or informal and we always receive positive feedback both from the charities we work with and our team, who are proud to contribute. I believe it is initiatives like this which helped us achieve our spot in The Sunday Times Best Places to Work list this year, as volunteering is positive for the individual, our team as a whole and the wider community. I would encourage everyone to explore opportunities to help and celebrate National Volunteer’s Week.”



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