The Art of Business Case Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Technology Investment Proposals

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  The art of storytelling is a powerful tool  when crafting a business case for technology investment. By weaving a compelling narrative, you can transform dry facts and figures into an engaging proposal that resonates with decision-makers and stakeholders. Here’s how to master this...
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How can data analytics help charities?

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Data analytics describes the process of turning facts and statistics into information, which can be used to support decision making and action-taking. Data is an invaluable asset to charities, yet its importance is widely overlooked or unharnessed.  Many charities face increased operating costs, legal...
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How to build change capability in your organisation

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As the nights draw in, the distinct chill in the air has me looking forward to the cosy nights, bonfire night, Halloween and beautiful changing colours of Autumn. To others it signifies the end of summer, and the onset of winter and comes with...
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Quick tips for ERP implementation success in Retail

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ERP systems are game changing for any retail business. They ensure the integration of key back-end functions which are critical to smooth day-to-day operations. In order to reap the benefits of an ERP to the fullest extent possible, it is vital that the foundations are...
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