How can we promote better Project Management within the Charity Sector?

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How can we promote better Project Management within the Charity Sector? Written by Nine Feet Tall Principal Consultants, Friederike Vetter and Laura van den Bosch. Research from 2019 estimates that project management in the charity sector is valued at £6.61bn per year. The professionalisation...
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Why should we invest time and money into PMO?

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Why should you use a PMO? It’s as simple as this… An excellent PMO adds huge value, whereas a poorly devised one can slow an organisation down. That begs the question: are PMOs worth the hassle? In this blog we outline why, yes, PMOs...
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How Can Charities Ensure Effective Project Portfolio Management?

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Mastering project portfolio management, or project prioritisation, in any organisation can be difficult. This is particularly apparent within charities, where resources are often stretched and it is difficult to dedicate teams to project delivery as day to day operations can’t stop. Why should charities...
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Dependencies in project management: everything you need to know

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Project dependencies are defined as “asks that require input from other tasks to be completed, or activities that can’t start until a previous activity is done” (Prince 2). What are project dependencies? Imagine you are making yourself a cup of tea. In order to...
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