Digital Transformation in Retail – 9 Lessons learned

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Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Retail Technology Show in London. It was a great opportunity to meet some new faces and hear from industry leaders. Aside from lots of merch and chocolate, here are 9 key takeaways from across the...
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How will digital transformation affect your company culture?

/ Blog / Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is not simply a case of updating technology or redesigning products or services. It is critical to align employee values and behaviours… and failure to do so can create additional risks to an organisation’s culture if not managed properly. Yes, technology plays...
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How to lead a successful ERP transformation

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What is an ERP system and what are the benefits?   Enterprise Resource Planning, known as ERP, is used to streamline core business processes into one integrated system. By implementing ERP software, data from across business functions is pulled into a central database, acting...
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Digital Transformation: Measuring the value of your technical debt efforts

/ Blog
What is technical debt? Digital transformation can take on many shapes and sizes. Imagine you’re looking to streamline your digital processes and your IT team have identified some cost savings which could be achieved by changing existing code… You may find that this results...
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